Author: STC

Sunday School

Sunday School

Sunday School

After an hour break, members and visitors of STC come together again at 5:30pm for Sunday school.

The purpose of these casual, classroom-style sessions is to foster Christian education and catechesis in adults and children, typically focusing on the doctrines of the faith in a systematic way (such as going through our church's Confession).

If you are interested in joining us, feel free to email us or connect with us on Instagram for details.

One Faith: The Book of Ephesians

One Faith: The Book of Ephesians

One Faith: The Book of Ephesians
This Good Friday, we begin a new monthly sermon series on Paul's epistle to the Ephesians. In less than 2,500 words (literally the length of an average undergraduate essay), we find discussion on a remarkable amount of topics relevant to every generation of Christians in local churches – such as:

       •  Predestination and human responsibility.
       •  Redemption through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus.
       •  Salvation by grace alone through faith alone.
       •  Eternal security.
       •  Thanksgiving and prayer.
       •  Reconciliation to God from former alienation.
       •  God's design for the church.
       •  Christian unity.
       •  The mystery of the inclusion of the Gentiles.
       •  The new life of the regenerate believer.
       •  Gender roles in marriage.
       •  Spiritual warfare (and the spiritual realm in general).
And much more.

Our weekly service is on Sunday at 1:30pm.
 Let us know if you would like to come by and fellowship with us!