Systematic Theology: Faith Unearthed

<span class="hpt_headertitle">Systematic Theology: Faith Unearthed</span>

Systematic Theology: Faith Unearthed

For the fifth time, Strong Tower Church presents a systematic theology series! So far, every rendition has been better than the one before it, so let's keep that streak going, aye? Join us over the next few months, beginning tonight, as we critically explore the fundamentals of Christianity:

       •  Who or what is God?
       •  What's the deal with the Bible?
       •  What is so significant about Jesus of Nazareth?
       •  What is sin?
       •  How is a person saved from the penalty of sin?
       •  What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
       •  What is the church?
And much more.

This series is suitable for believers who would like a theological refresher, believers who don't really know what they believe, new believers or believers new to the church, and even those who are not Christian, but keen to explore Christianity.

Chuck us a message if you would like to check it out!