Polemicist: Christianity in a Culture War

<span class="hpt_headertitle">Polemicist: Christianity in a Culture War</span>

Polemicist: Christianity in a Culture War
There is a ‘war’ going on right now, and it is a war that has real cultural, political, physical, tangible effects in this world. We see it, we feel it, and we experience it tangibly around us. We see a systemic grooming of children by mass cultural movers like Disney, Tik Tok, etc. We see the genocide of babies in the womb, the celebration of all that God defines as sinful, the indoctrination camps that we call schools and universities—especially on matters of climate, race, gender, and redistribution of wealth. We see trans-women erasing biological women. We see mass censorship of what is deemed unorthodox by non-elected cultural gatekeepers. These are real world things happening before our eyes.

And largely, “big evangelicalism” has responded in culture war denial. In this series, we want to make a move in changing that tide as we discuss important cultural issues from a Christian perspective, with the aim of mobilising believers to get out there and be salt and light in a fallen world.

Our weekly service is on Sunday at 1:30pm.
 Let us know if you would like to come by and fellowship with us!